Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sensory Issues

As you might have noticed I blog a lot about sensory issues. That's because our family has lots of sensory issues. From, shoes, to chewing, to smells we have challenges. I'm passionate about sensory integration because it has drastically improved the quality of my son's life. Along with autism sensory issues were debilitating, making it almost impossible for him to leave the house.

My sensory issues are mild, although they can cause me to act strange at times. Like yesterday, while at Macy's looking for a bathing suit I inadvertently walked too close to the perfume isle. Big mistake, I don't know what it is about smells, but they knock me out. I started to get a headache, so I held my breath, covered my nose and ran out of the store.

My husband, who is use to this, finished up his shopping and met me outside. Its nice to be loved the way you are. No why are you acting weird, or why can't you handle it... Instead he just knew I'd be outside waiting, and I knew he would come out when he was done.

I hear people say this isn't fair, why me, why my child... I'm tired of that type of thinking. I am who I am, and the family I have is the family I have. I don't care about what I should or could have done... Today I'm going to enjoy the people I love.

BTW Martianne reviewed my book. She gave it a nice review. Thank you Martianne!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Free Sensory Integration Teleseminar

I did an interview with Debi from Healing with the Experts on Sensory Integration. You can sign up and listen for free the day of the seminar here. Seminar day is Thursday June 3rd, my spot is at 2:00pm EST. After June 3rd, you can purchase downloads. I'm interested in listening to Kath Smith at 6:00pm EST since I have never heard her speak before.