Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hope and Reality

I was thinking today there is a tension between hope and facing reality. What I mean is I am constantly trying to remain hopeful while confronting facts and preparing for the future. For example, while at the Autism Society Conference I learned that it is believed that around 25% of children on the spectrum develop seizure disorders when they hit adolescence. I thought that sounded odd and dismissed it. Then I came back home and found out on Friday that a mom I know (who's son is the same age as G) has just developed a seizure disorder. He had the seizure at night and it was so severe that he hasn't had the strength to walk around for the last few days. Truth be told that scared the heck out of me. What would I do if that happened to us? How do you help your child? That forced me to do some research just in case.

As I was thinking of all of this I remembered Psalm 23. I decided to look it up in several versions.* I liked the New Living Translation:

Psalm 23
1 The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.
2 He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.
3 He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.
4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
5 You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

Some say faith is a "crutch" I would agree in my case. Life often breaks me and I need my faith to keep walking..

(*There are different versions of the Bible that are written in more contemporary formats or formats for children.)

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Hi Bonnie, while it's good to be informed, it can be dangerous to live in "what if" land. (For me this is like Peter taking his eyes off of Jesus and beginning to sink in the waves) I could be seriously neurotic if I let my brain go everywhere it wanted... Ultimately, I know that there are no guarantees in this life, but that God will provide us the strength we need for our circumstances. Keep celebrating G's accomplishments - you guys are all on the right path! I know that everything is going to be ok. Love you sister.
