Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Its never too late to say thank you...

Today I met with Joan R. the adaptive physical education specialist who worked with my son seven years ago. I will forever be grateful for all of the work she did with G and all of the insight she gave me. She is one of the people I acknowledged in my book. I meant to get in contact with her, but life got in the way. Anyhow she saw a copy of my book and she contacted me. I felt bad that she had to contact me, good intentions are good only if you follow up on them!

We met at Starbucks and I had a chance to tell her thank you for working with G. It was so fun to see her again. I found out that she rarely has the opportunity to find out how her work paid off. That made me think of all of the other wonderful people who have worked with G. I'm not sure I have thanked them adequately. After today I am really going to work at saying thank you even if its seven, eight, nine, ten years later. I hope as you read this you will think of someone you need to say thank you to. Follow up on your good intentions and let them know how you feel!

Coffee I am currently enjoying: I'm finishing up a decaff latte from Starbucks. I've had way too much caffeine today, but that's another story...

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