Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Love Beyond Reason

I've started to read Love Beyond Reason by John Ortberg. It's a book that was written to help people understand how deeply God loves them. I came accross a quote, that I've been thinking about for over a week now, "Jesus is scandalously ready to forgive." The idea is that Jesus meets people where they are. He didn't stand back from them pointing a finger at their brokenness because he wasn't interested in breaking someone already broken. Instead he reached out to all kinds of people in all kinds of situations ready to love them and introduce them to God.

I am tremendously attracted to Jesus, but many times put off by the people who claim to follow him. I'm tired of watching people attempt to put me or others "in their place" when they themselves don't look, act or have the wisdom of Jesus. Jesus had a message for people like that and you can read it here.


Anonymous said...

Boy am I with you on this point!! Let us know how the books. If you like it I'll check into it :)

Bonnie said...

I'll let you know!

Anonymous said...

As failed RC myself, I am similarly inclined - it would be a great club if it weren't for the too voluble gatekeepers.
Best wishes

caljoy said...

I so agree, and have gone before the Father on many counts re: His people and things done in His Name ~ those times I have felt ashamed by their actions and statements.....then that outrageously scandulous forgiver, Jesus says to me "But I love them and forgive them" then comes the zinger He says to me " Have you walked in a manner worthy of your calling?" I may not have been so outspoken or "bad" as them, but have I brought dishonor to Him...yuck I think I know the answer.
thankfully He is love and doesn't love like I do....